Current Board of Directors:
Brian Ahart / President
Lorri Jager / Vice-President
Zachary Johnson / Secretary
Paul Dove / Artistic Director
Gail Ahart / Treasurer
Lisa Dove / Associate Artistic Director
Gregory Paul / Production Manager
Pat Dove
Juliann Kjenaas
Jan Kehr
Marie Nordberg
Mike Swan
Abby Jasmer
Faith Kern
Shelly Mahowald
Karen Palmen
Founding Board of Directors
Paul T. Dove, President
Pat Pederson, Vice President
Marvel Haynes, Secretary
Pat Dove, Treasurer
LouAnn Dierkehising
Tina Grewe
Stuart Haynes
Pat Light
Bob Light
Oscar Pederson
Gary Stennes
Al Undem
Consultants/Past Directors
Janet Ahern
Jill Anderson
Kevin Brauer
Renee Brauer
LouAnn Dierkhising
Amanda Gartner
Tina Grewe
Marvel Haynes
David Konshok
Pat Light, President Emerita
Robert Light
John McKinney
Janet McMillen
Oscar Pederson
Pat Pederson
Tony Platz
Mary Peterson
John Rasmussen
Kay Rudek
Lou Schultz, Past President
Liz Shaw
Steve Steinborn
Gary Stennes
Joan Tweedale
Al Undem
Martha Vetter
Carol Wall
Ron Klaphake
Laura Johnson
Kurt Hansen
Friends of NLOC
To make a successful production, we need lots of help!
We need
talented performers for our cast
musicians to play in the pit orchestra
carpenters & painters for set construction
seamstresses & crafty people for costumes & props
people with ideas for marketing & publicity
To volunteer, or be added to our mailing list, click below:
There are also many expenses involved in every production: royalties, auditorium rental, publicity materials, supplies for set & costume construction, costumes rental, honorariums for musicians and guest directors, and more. To be successful, we need the financial support of the many generous persons in our community.
To make a fully tax-deductible donation to NLOC: